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The Benefits of Couples Therapy

Relationships are complicated, and even the most loving marriages can go through rough patches. Sometimes these rough patches lead to the need for marriage counselling by a professional couples therapist. This can be a difficult step for some couples, especially when it is seen as admitting that the relationship is struggling. However, marriage/couple counseling can help couples reconnect and rebuild their loving connection.

In a couple therapy session, the couple discusses their current issues in a safe and confidential environment. The goal of the sessions is to work through any problems and issues that are causing tension or conflict in the relationship. The therapist helps them develop healthy communication skills, learn to resolve conflicts and build trust in their relationship. This can result in a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship.

Research has shown that couples who engage in therapy together experience a number of benefits, including improved PTSD symptoms and more satisfaction in their intimate relationships. It can also increase feelings of closeness and empathy, as well as improve problem-solving skills and emotional intimacy. In addition, it can help couples deal with stress-related health conditions such as high blood pressure and weakened immune function.

Couples therapy is a highly effective and clinically proven treatment for relationship distress and has been shown to be just as effective as individual psychotherapy in improving the lives of people with PTSD. Couples who participate in a specialized type of therapy called CBCT, or Combined Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, report less PTSD symptoms, more satisfaction with their intimate relationship, and better overall health and functioning.

During couples counseling, the couples therapy dartmouth will ask questions about the history of the couple’s relationship and identify any areas of concern. This will help them develop a therapeutic plan for the session that is specific to the couple’s needs. The therapist will also identify any underlying factors that may be contributing to their distress, such as negative patterns of behavior or unresolved conflicts.

The first few sessions focus on the development of a safe and supportive environment. During this phase, the therapist will discuss the rationale for CBCT and establish specific goals for improvements in PTSD symptoms and intimate relationship functioning. The therapist will also teach the couple about a new form of enhanced dyadic communication to promote increased emotional intimacy and decrease avoidance.

During the second and third phases of couples counseling, the therapist will assist the couple in resolving core beliefs that maintain PTSD symptoms and relationship difficulties. This involves using a series of questions to elicit each partner’s thoughts about their PTSD experiences and the resulting beliefs in core areas such as trust, control, emotional closeness, and physical intimacy. The therapist then helps the couple to challenge any negative appraisals that contribute to their PTSD and relationship dysfunction.

Throughout the process, the therapist will continue to support and encourage the couple as they develop their own solutions to their challenges. This process can be challenging, but the results are well worth it.

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